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Page spéciale  NWA6452 CV3

Spécial page  NWA6452 CV3

ALIEN ROCKS. DOSSIERS / FOLDERS. Formation Système Solaire. COLLECTION. A vendre / For sale. NEWS.

NWA6452 CV3  

Here is a brief description for classification :

The meteorite is tentatively classified as an oxidized CV-like carbonaceous chondrite. It consists of  equal proportion

of chondrules and matrix; CAIs and AOAs are common, but minor.

Type I chondrules are dominant; chondrule olivines are enriched in FeO compared to low-Ca pyroxene (Fa = 5.1±2.9, n = 46  vs. Fs = 1.6±0.6, n =25).

Many chondrules are surrounded by coarse-grained igneous rims.

Low-Ca pyroxene and opaque nodules in chondrules are replaced by ferroan olivine to varying degrees. Fine-grained rims around chondrules are commonly crosscut by veins of ferroan olivine (Fa60), magnetite and sulfides.

Most CAIs are fine-grained, spinel-rich. Spinel is enriched in FeO; nepheline and sodalite are common.

The meteorite matrix is composed of micron-sized ferroan olivine (Fa60) and nepheline with submicron inclusions of ferroan olivine.

In contrast to matrices of typical CV chondrites, Ca,Fe-rich pyroxene-andradite nodules in matrix are absent.

Official classification on Meteoritical Bulletin MB102

NWA6452 high resolution picture

from UH Hawaii !

=> Page to Univ.Hawaii and Dr A.N.KRot. Alien Rocks COLLECTION.
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